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Saturday, October 29, 2005
fucking room is a mess, got my two sabers 2 beers and a jug of water to keep me inline, it looks messier in here than this but oh well you little bitch
trying to figure out this charater a little more, cody gave me the spec sheet, but i started to think of some like rusty ass gangster like johhy brasco, slick yet smooth, started to work on the ring too, notice i can't draw animals you little bitch
on the lighttable right now you little bitch
fucking trash can full of fucking bullshit sketchs you little bitch
The Middleman is a great series by Javier Grillo-Marxuach(?) and Les McClain out of Viper Comics. Javi is an exec writer on LOST so his shit is good and the book is fun. I have 10 pages in the upcoming Legends of The Middleman that comes out through Viper in December or January and this is for the Middleman Trade coming out in January I think. It was fun.